Sustainability Call 2022 page header

Project area

The Project area allows you to work on your actual project proposal in a closed setting. To make use of Project area, you need to login with your Eureka Clusters portal credentials. If you are new, you need to create an account. If you have already participated in one of the previous Joint Eureka Clusters Calls (e.g. AI Call 2020 or AI Call 2021), you can use these credentials.

In case you have any questions regarding the Project area, don't hesitate to contact us via

Project area (My Joint Eureka Clusters Call projects)

On the Eureka Clusters Call portal, under My Joint Eureka Clusters Call projects you can:

The sections 'Quick start' and 'Project checklist' (that you will find on your personal project page) will guide you when setting up your proposal. In case you have any questions regarding the Sustainability Call portal, don’t hesitate to contact us via If you have any funding-related questions, please contact your local Public Authority. Contact details can be found at the funding page.

Sustainability Call 2022 submission template

To submit a Project Outline, online information has to be provided together with a Sustainability Call 2022 submission Annex template in MS WORD. This Annex template can be downloaded here. The Project Outline submission deadline is 2 May 2022.

Choose your Cluster(s)

When creating a Project Outline, project leaders need to indicate which of the participating Clusters they would like to support them through the project submission, evaluation and subsequent monitoring process. More information on the submission process and the expertise of the different Clusters can be found on the webpage How to participate.

Declaration of Acceptance (DoA)

Each partner intending to participate in a Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call project has to acknowledge the rules and regulations of the primary Cluster they have chosen, by signing the Declaration of Acceptance (DoA). The DoA submission process is an integrated part of the Project area and can be found when editing a partner in the tool.

Create your account

In order to make use of Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call portal for the first time, you need to create an account or login with your credentials, if you have already participated in one of the previous Joint Eureka Clusters Calls (e.g. AI Call 2020 or AI Call 2021).