There are several tools and events created to facilitate your participation in the Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022. On this page you will find the calendar of the upcoming events.
National webinars - Recordings online
The Eureka Clusters are publicly funded on a national level. Each project partner can apply for funding from their own national Public Authority. An early dialogue between project teams and public authorities supports alignment with national priorities and the best possible opportunities for funding that lead to high success rates.
That is why we offer Public Authorities the chance to present their national priorities, eligibility criteria and funding outlook regarding the Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022, by organising national webinars. The recording of each national webinar can be found under the respective country on the Funding page.
Singapore Sustainability Showcase
On 13 April, Enterprise Singapore organised the Singapore Sustainability Showcase to facilitate networking and idea
creation with Singaporean companies. Presentations and pitches presented during this showcase can be found
- Speaker Presentations: https://tinyurl.com/showcasespeakers
- Green ICT Pitches: https://tinyurl.com/green-ict
- Earth-Space-Ocean Integrated Systems Pitches : https://tinyurl.com/integrated-systems
Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 Brokerage event - Recordings online
23 March 2022 | Full Day | Online
In order to support you to shape a high-quality project proposal and to help you identify potential project partners to builld a strong consortium, the Eureka Clusters organised an Online Brokerage event on Wednesday 23 March 2022.
The recordings of the introduction, the project idea pitches and the conclusions & next steps can be found online at Brokerage event webpages.
Brokerage event preparation session - Recordings online
10 March 2022 | 16:00-17:00 CET | Online
The Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call Brokerage event will be a fully-packed day. In order to fully benefit from this brokerage event, a 1-hour online Brokerage preparation session was organised on 10 March, explaining the online tools.
The recording and the slides of this session are available on the dedicated webpage.